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 Future predictions

  • If global warming continues unabated, the 12 Apostles will be unable to preserve for the future. Likewise, this would mean that the future generations would not be able to relish this magnificent sighting.


  • If waste water and other types of water are continued to be leaked into the ocean, then the amount of waster water that is produced will increase the amount of erosion that occurs. This would then cause the 12 Apostles to erode muc hfaster meaning less people would be able to see the place as a tourist attraction.


  • If recreational activities ar econtiued this will affect the nature, wildlife and even the iconic rock formations which will prevent more cliffs, arches and caves being eroded into new Apostles. Then, businesses that rely on the iconic rock formation would have to all close down, meaning tourism would go down, a huge increase in the amount of unemployed workers would occur, the economy rate would increase and huge increase would happen in the value of money (inflation).


  • It is said to believed by scientists that the 12 Apostles would cease to existence by 2123, however if the current rate of how much stone is eroded per year increases, it would mean that the 12 Apostles could cease to existence in a few decades. half the amount of time of when it is meant to disappear. 



  • Likewise, if humans commit to conserving water, then less run-of water would occur and a meagre amount of waste-water would reach the ocean, causing the erosion rate to slower down, meaning that the 12 Apostles could last for longer.


  • Finally, if humans stop drastically increasing climate change, then the water would not become warmer, global Warming would decrease and the waters would not effectively erode the iconic limestone stacks, leaving them in their monumental spots for people to see from all over the world, for a much longer time as a tourist attraction.

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